Lorem Ipsum is simply dumy text of the printing typesetting industry lorem ipsum.

East-West bus Rapid Transit Updates

Orange barrels today, enhanced transit tomorrow! Some of those drums dotting Wisconsin Avenue are future pick-up points for the state’s first Bus Rapid Transit line. With success in cities such as Cleveland, Grand Rapids, and Indianapolis, BRT uses a combination of specialized vehicles, dedicated lanes and enhanced boarding platforms (BRT stations) to provide a premium transit experience. And for regular fare!

This project includes 33 total BRT stations, spanning from downtown to the Milwaukee Regional Medical Center in Wauwatosa. Breaking ground 2021, construction began in Wauwatosa and progressed as far east as Wisconsin Avenue and 27th Street. Picking up in Spring 2022, activities have focused on downtown. See a snapshot of the construction timeline and upcoming project milestones here.  

Each BRT station will include premium shelters, low-level lighting, security cameras, off-board fare collection and unique branding. 

MCTS is excited to bring this premium service to downtown and to the region. Additional construction updates and information on the project can be found at

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Lorem Ipsum is simply dumy text of the printing typesetting industry lorem ipsum.


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